• Peer to Peer Class

    NAMI Urban LA offers educational programs and support groups for individuals and family members of those living with mental illness.

    FOR MORE INFORMATION: call (323) 294-7814, during our regular office hours or register for one of our ongoing groups below.

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    In behavioral health, a peer is usually used to refer to someone who shares the experience of living with a mental health condition.

    The Peer-to-Peer Education Course is a FREE 8 -week peer led, education course on the topic of recovery for any persons with a mental health condition interested in establishing and maintaining wellness. The course is taught by trained mentors or peer teachers who are themselves experienced at living well with mental illness. The course is inclusive of take-home course materials.


    To be contacted for upcoming classes CLICK HERE



    Laneay L. London, MSW - llondon@namiurbanla.org or call

    (323) 924-9637, during our regular office hours (10 a.m. - 4 p.m.)


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    Join Our Team

    Join our team as a NAMI Peer-to-Peer Mentor and use your mental health recovery experience to inspire others. Facilitate discussions, share insights, and create a supportive environment. Empower participants in their journey towards wellness by promoting understanding, mutual growth, and effective communication in a safe and empathetic setting.




    Laneay L. London, MSW - llondon@namiurbanla.org or call

    (323) 924-9637, during our regular office hours


  • Contact our Peer Program Manager

    If you are a someone living peer, family member or friend of a peer we would love to hear from you!